Thursday, January 14, 2010

2 months old!

Anika was 2 months old on Tuesday. We celebrated by a doctors visit complete with a few shots. Poor baby...she was a trooper, though, and was back to her smiley, happy self the next morning. Thank-you, Jesus, for our precious girl!


Kimmer said...

She is so cute! I know she's adopted, but I think she kind of resembles Brad. Is that weird for me to think that??? :) I love love her bow. Hope she got over the shots quickly.

JoMama said...

Nice bow! Great, smiley face too... Adelaide did not really smile much until she was about 5 months old. Now she giggles like the dickens.

Shots are a necessary and not so bad deal, she has no idea what happened and a bout of Polio, Pertussis, or maybe Rubella would have lasting and yucky consequences. It is just hard to watch them look at the nurses with innocent curiosity and once they've been stuck with a needle give that same nurse a look of "oh, you awful wench - why did you do that, I thought we were going to be friends!!!" :)