Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Brad!

Well, the big guys birthday was yesterday. Since we couldn't really do much to celebrate on his actual birthday, we took today to do something fun. He bought tickets a while ago for the Chinese Gardens in Portland, so he chose to go there.

Every good adventure must begin with a coffee stop. :)

We got to run around...

We saw some really cool landscaping, Chinese kites they had on display, and plants...

We had fun watching the goldfish and ducks in the ponds...

The birthday guy and his princess...

The girls...

Seriously?? More pictures??

What a fun afternoon! Happy Birthday, Brad! We love you so much, and we're so glad we have you to celebrate!


Meg said...

Looks like a fun little family adventure. Happy Birthday Brad!

Kimmer said...

Great post, Steph! I love that last picture of you and Anika. That face is priceless!! :) Happy Birthday to Brad--he and Chad are close in b-days...Chad's is the 11th. :)

emelye said...

Happy birthday, Papa Vos! Great shots of a precious family! :)

JoMama said...

nice!!! Happy Birthday to Mr. Vos. The last photo of you & the kiddo is GREAT.