Sunday, March 2, 2008


Hey! Steph here. Well, we made it through the week. :) The discogram wasn't a very fun experience to go through at all...very painful and scary to be conscious for. It was worth it, though, as we got the answers we were praying for. Now, we take the films and the results back to our main doctor in all of this to figure out where we go from here-treatment wise.

Even though these are not flattering photo's of me at all...I wanted to say thanks for everything everyone did for me (and us) this last week.

Thanks, Holly and Christie for the goodies left at our place while we were gone! It was great to come home to an awesome plate of mint brownies and some good literature to help pass the time on my back. :) You ladies rock!

Nikki- It was a bright spot in a rough day to have you and the kiddo's stop by with some goodies. Nothing heals quite like good ol' glazed donuts and DP! :)

Shel-Thanks again for pulling through for us and coming down for the weekend and keeping me company while Brad worked. You are definitely my "best of honor". I am so glad you're my sister! LOVE YOU!!!

Thanks everyone, for all your phone calls and e-mails. It has been such a blessing and encouragement to us to know you all are praying for us, and caring about us.

I am slowly but surely getting back on my feet again as I have lots of goodies to work off. :) :)

Thanks again, everyone! We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

shelley said...

Hey cutie! You can certainly pull off the whole "bed rest" look. I sure don't look that good EVER - let alone after having needles stuck in my back.
I love you!!